Zoom Fundraiser: Clean the World Asia x Callisupply
Global Handwashing Day was on October 15, a day to raise awareness about the importance of handwashing as a way to prevent diseases and save lives. What better way to spread the word by writing beautiful, positive messages in Chinese Calligraphy for people in need? Clean the World Asia is partnering with Chinese calligrapher Sam Chan of Callisupply to curate an online workshop where you can write caring messages for low-income families and elderly in Hong Kong.
During the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19, the low-income communities are among the highest risk to develop serious disease if infected with the virus. With social distancing measures in place, they may also suffer higher mental stress and loneliness during the pandemic.
This remote activity allows our class participants to learn to write supportive phrases in traditional Chinese calligraphy, while contributing to a worthy cause for the elderly. Upon registration, a kit will be sent with calligraphy materials like a brush pen and message cards.
Sam of Callisupply will be teaching the class. Chinese writing experience is not required! Once completed, the message cards will be sent back to Clean the World Asia, packed in hygiene kits along with bars of soap, a dental kit, and other hygiene essentials to be distributed to those in need in Hong Kong.
About Clean the World Asia:
Started in 2014 by its parent company Clean the World Global, Clean the World Asia is a Hong Kong-based charity registered under Section 88. The organization’s mission is to protect the environment by recycling soap, and to save millions of lives through handwashing with soap. They are leading the global hygiene revolution to distribute recycled bars of soap and hygiene education to needy children and families in Asia and around the world. By partnering with leading hotels in the region, Clean the World Asia’s soap recycling program also eliminates needless waste from landfills to protect our environment.
About Callisupply:
Callisupply was founded by a group of Hong Kong young Chinese calligraphy enthusiasts who were winners of the Hong Kong calligraphy championship. Our vision is to preserve the traditional art while exploring modern ways to express Chinese calligraphy. We host cultural experiences to share the beauty and mindfulness of the art to the general public, including schools, locals and tourists to Hong Kong. Also, we collaborate with corporations to offer design and advertising solutions to explore modern business applications using Chinese calligraphy.
Event Details:
- Dates: 11th November or 18th November (Wednesday)
- Time: 8-9pm
- Location: Zoom
- Fee: $280 per person for live session; $180 per person for recorded session
- What’s included: 10 Care Cards, 1 Calligraphy Brush Pen *final materials may vary from photo
- Purchase Tickets Here
潔世亞洲 x 抒發 Zoom 網上慈善活動
10月15日是全球洗手日,設立洗手日是為了提高個人的洗手意識,並推廣洗手對預防疾病和拯救生命的重要性。而今年潔世亞洲正在與本地書法創作單位「抒發」的Sam Chan合作,舉辦一個網上工作坊。以中國書法來宣傳全球洗手日積極的信息。透過網上工作坊,您可以為香港的低收入家庭和長者寫上您的心意。
抒發為由多屆香港書法大賽冠軍創立。宗旨為:「恪守傳統,文案創新,令書法融入當代生活」 – 望藉舉辦文化體驗 – 體驗傳統美學及心境平靜;透過設計及廣告方案,由商業文案重新思考傳統書法設計定位,重拾書法設計於商業中的價值。
- 日期: 11月11號 / 11月18號 (星期三)
- 時間: 晚上8 – 9時
- 位置:Zoom
- 費用:現場直播每人$280;會議錄影每人$180
- 其中包括:10張心意卡,1支科學毛筆 *圖片未必與實際材料相符
- 購買門票
What’s included in your class kit • 門票中包含的材料 Learn Chinese calligraphy while supporting a worthy cause • 一邊學習書法一邊做善事