The beginning of a new year is always an exciting time. This one especially so being the start of a new decade. There is always a lot of hype especially around the setting of new goals. But we know it is also important to take time to reflect on all that we have accomplished the previous year. Or in this case, the previous ten! Here is what we are celebrating globally at Clean the World:
新年的開始總是個令人興奮的時刻,大家會有各種圍繞新目標的設定。 但同時回顧上一年的表現(或者對潔世來說應該是回顧過去的十年)也是很重要的! 以下是潔世於全球中感恩的事情:

Big thanks to you, our supporters. For helping us provide such a huge impact to our beneficiaries and the planet. And here is to many more great results for this decade and beyond.
非常感謝您,我們親愛的的支持者。 感謝您幫助我們為受惠者和地球帶來如此偉大的影響。 衷心祝福在這十年乃至更遠的未來中,我們一起將會有更多的偉大成就