You Are Never Too Old To Learn About Recycling 終生學習,衛生教育和回收再造

Elderly learning about recycling

EDUCATING IN THE SENIOR COMMUNITY 長者社區中的教育計劃 On December 17th 2019, our team at Clean the World Asia (CTWA) visited and gave out hygiene kits to 25 senior citizens at the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Lady MacLehose Centre and another 575 kits will be distributed to the senior community living around Tsing Yi. 2019年12月17日,潔世亞洲(CTWA)的團隊訪問了香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心的25名長者並向他們分發了衛生包,還將另外575個衞生包分發給青衣附近的長者社羣。 During our visit, CTWA also provided …

Sands China Hygiene Kit Build

Building hygiene kits with Clean the World Asia

SANDS CHINA VOLUNTEERS BUILD 40K HYGIENE KITS FOR CHARITY A total of around 350 volunteers from Sands China and local community groups worked together on the 13th of December 2019, at The Venetian Macao to put together 40,000 hygiene kits for Clean the World’s (CTW) hygiene programs. Each kit contained soap collected from Las Vegas Sands (LVS) properties around the …

5 Ways to be Eco-Friendly This Festive Season

Furoshiki wrapped present and candle

This time of year can sometimes get out of hand and put our values to the test. Here are five ways you can be more eco friendly this festive season: 佳節中的5種環保方法 一年中每逢佳節時候,也許大家會容易有點失控,來檢視一下,您也可以通過以下五種方式在節日期間更加環保: FUROSHIKI GIFT WRAPPING Furoshiki is a traditional Japanese way of carrying and storing things. A piece of fabric you can use to wrap pretty much anything. They look …

What CTWA has in Common with Bill Gates

Bill Gates – Netflix documentary on hygiene and sanitation

潔世亞洲與比爾·蓋茨的共同之處 Tech tycoon turned philanthropist, Bill Gates is now on a mission to save humanity. In the Netflix documentary Inside Bill’s Brain: Decoding Bill Gates, we get a glimpse into how he is using his talents to do good in the world. Episode 1 speaks of his quest to solve the sanitation problems in the developing world. Focusing on saving …

Global Handwashing Day 2019

Wynn Care and Clean the World Asia celebrating Global Handwashing Day 2019

HANDWASHING DAY INSPIRED CHILDREN TO HAVE HEATHY HANDWASHING HABITS In response to the annual “Global Handwashing Day”. Wynn partnered with Clean the World Asia to organize workshops. On October 8th & 25th at Saint John de Brito School (English Section) and Jardim de Infânica Tong Sin Tong. Bringing children’s awareness to personal hygiene and disease prevention. Almost 100 WE Volunteers …

Giving Soap with Dignity

High Quality Soap Recycling by Clean the World Asia

環保香皂的尊嚴價值 RESTORING SELF-DIGNITY Our soap and hygiene education program’s goal are not only to improve health but also to restore self-dignity to our beneficiaries. Some of our beneficiaries have said that when their children use our soap, their skin rashes diminish. They also fall sick less which contributes to their school absenteeism rate dropping and they feel much better about …

Bar Soap vs Liquid Soap

Clean the World Asia Soap Recycling

I remember as a child, my whole family used the same bar of soap. Gradually though the bar of soap seemed to disappear and was replaced by liquid hand and body wash. Using bar soap had come to be considered unhygienic and a source of bacteria. The strange thing is even though we shared soap, we seldom got sick and …

Why Doing Good is Good for Business

Hong Kong Charity Education Program - Clean the World Asia

At Clean the World, we are fortunate to be able to discuss and exchange ideas with companies both big and small, exploring ways for the private sector to do good for their local communities and the environment.  In fact, more and more companies are adopting the view that businesses can be a force for good. 潔世很榮幸能夠與各大大小小的公司共同研究和交流想法,探索私營部門為當地社區和環境保護作出貢獻的方法。 事實上,越來越多的公司採用的觀點是,企業是可以成為一股良好的慈善力量。 We have met individuals …

Green Education Programs

Handwashing Education - Clean the World Asia

Our Hygiene Education programs are as important as our soap recycling. In fact every time we host a Hygiene Kit Build we are also educating people on proper hygiene habits. Last month we had the pleasure of running our programs for both JP Morgan & Jumpstart Magazine. 推廣衛生教育計劃與香皂回收一樣重要。 每個衞生包製作活動都會以我們的衛生教育講座開始,以提醒參與者們注意適當的衛生習慣。 上個月,我們有幸為JP Morgan摩根大通和Jumpstart雜誌開展了我們的義工活動。 CTW Asia is proud to partner with Jumpstart Magazine’s summer program …